Pollinating Apples

Figure 1. Bumblebee on apple blossom (Alan R. Biggs, West Virginia University)

Apples require cross-pollination for optimal fruit set and size.  Cross-pollination involves the transfer of pollen from one apple cultivar to another by pollinating insects, such as bees which are referred to as pollinators.  The cultivar supplying the pollen is called the pollinizer.  For successful pollination to occur, bloom periods must overlap.  Triploids apple cultivars, such as ‘Mutsu’, ‘Jonagold’, and ‘Shizuka’, cannot supply viable pollen and are unsuitable as …

How do I find out if two apple cultivars are effective to cross pollinate?

Nursery catalogs or their web sites often list apple pollination charts or recommend good apple varieties to use as pollinzers. Varieties listed in these charts have overlapping bloom periods and are effective pollinizers. However, some varieties, such as Winesap, Stayman, Mutsu, and Jonagold, produce sterile pollen and therefore cannot be used to pollinate other apple varieties. …