Apple Rootstock Info: G.65

Characteristic Detail Description
Rootstock G.65

G.65 was developed by Dr. Jim Cummins at Cornell University. Due to errors in tissue culture buildup of this rootstock, the U.S. distribution of this rootstock has been hindered. Tree size once thought to be about that of M.9 is now considered to be closer to M.27. The rootstock is difficult to propagate in nursery stool beds. It is susceptible to tomato ring spot virus and apple stem grooving virus. Not recommended for commercial planting.

Synonyms Geneva 65
Origin Malling 27 X ‘Beauty’ crab apple
Availability Limited commercial availability
Tree Size 35-40%
Precocity Very early
Winter Hardiness Hardy
Suckering Little
Tree Support Needed Yes
Where tested within NC-140 or other research plantings N/A